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With Book Club Membership
You can borrow 5 books, take them home, read, bring them back and take 5 more books.
Readers are made, not born.
We try to instilll a love of reading and lifelong reading habits in children from 3 to 10 years old. With membership, your child can take out as 5 books at a time and join montly book club meetings.
Library Membership:
Among 10 thousand Turkish and English books that we carefully select and display, a member child can check out five books at a time and a member can do this as many times as they want, as long as they have returned the borrowed books. Therefore, a member can have an unlimited access to books.
Each member entitles to:
Okutopya Library Card.
Okutopya Reading Log Notebook where for each book read, the member gets a stamp during his or her visit.
At the end of the year, a member receives a Certified Book Lover Certificate
Membership Terms:
Members are expected to return the barrowed books in 15 days time.
You can become a month-to-month or a yearly member.
For monthly members, monthly membership fee is charged to your credit card.
Book Club Meetings:
‘We do not know what we read until we talk about it,’ a third grade student said.
In the book club meetings that we ‘gossip’ about the book, share our ideas, our likes, dislikes, puzzles about the story and make connections to our own lives.
Two weeks before the book club meeting date, we share the book of the month, suggested activity list.
If you would like to access thousands of Turkish and English books and join a community of book loving kids and families, you can apply through the ‘Become a Member’ button below.